Cincinnati’s Best Ballpark Experience is now in Kentucky.
The Florence Y’alls see attendance spike 39 percent, merch sales grow exponentially as well.
Cincinnatians have long loved watching the Reds take the field. Unfortunately, the 2022 season was shaping up to be a down year and fans were understandably frustrated, crystallized by the unfortunate mantra “Where are you gonna go?”
That’s when the Florence Y’alls stepped up to the plate. We helped them capitalize with a brand strategy that gave folks exactly what they were looking for: major league entertainment at a minor league price.
The Y’alls hit it out of the park in their first full season since rebranding.
Photo courtesy of the Florence Y’alls
Within days, we printed up hundreds of branded shirts with a clever, fun spin on Red’s owner Castellini’s now-infamous quote.
We also continued to capitalize throughout the season, activating family-friendly theme nights, fun fan events, and must-have apparel.
“Merchandise numbers are through the roof,” said Y’alls GM Max Johnson. “People wearing our brand is the best marketing we can have.”
The stats speak for themselves. The Y’alls welcomed over 100,000 more fans to Thomas More Stadium than in the 2021 season, an increase of about 600 fans per game. Overall attendance improved by 39% for the 2022 season, rocketing them into the top half of Minor League Baseball. Concessions and merch played a huge part in their overall success, with sales projected to rise 40% over the previous season.
Read more about the Y’alls successful season in the Cincinnati Business Courier.